Juan Guichard Michel (70)
Chief Executive Officer of INVEX Controladora since the company was founded and Chairman of the Board of Directors.
Ha participado en los Consejos de Administración de Seguros La Territorial, Grupo Industrial Rovitex, Sistemas de Bombeo, Alcatel-Indetel, Seamens Corporation (AMEX), United Bank & Trust, Asociación de Banqueros de México (Vicepresidente), BMV (Vicepresidente), Profuturo GNP (Afore), Desarrolladora Metropolitana y Grupo Financiero Scotiabank Inverlat.
Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad Anáhuac y MBA por la Universidad de Columbia.
Miembro del Consejo desde 1991. Presidente desde 2001.
Francisco J. Barroso Díaz Torre (64)
Executive Vice President
Executive at INVEX Controladora with more than 30 years of business experience in INVEX and Executive Vice President of the Board of Directors. From 2013 to 2020, he served as Chief Executive Officer of INVEX Banco.
He has served as a member of the Boards of Tapón Corona, Grupo Inverméxico, Grupo Martí, Grupo Calidata and Industrias Quetzal.
He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering design at Anáhuac University.
Miembro del Consejo desde 1991. Vicepresidente Ejecutivo desde 2020.
Patrick Doucet (63)
Executive Vice President of Operations
Executive at INVEX Controladora with more than 30 years of business experience in INVEX. He has a participation as Executive Vice President of Operations at INVEX Controladora.He was a Chief Executive Officer of INVEX Casa de Bolsa until 2019.
He has served as a member of the Boards of Fomento de Valores and Intercapital System Inc.
He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering design at Anáhuac University.
Member and Vice President of the Board of Directors since 1991.
Luis Guichard González (44)
Proprietary Member
Director General de Grupo SCM. Fue directivo y miembro del Consejo de Administración de Controladora Comercial Mexicana, S.A.B. de C.V. hasta 2016.
He is Industrial Engineer from Anáhuac University and holds an Excecutive MBA from the ITAM-ASU (Arizona State University).
Member of the Board of Directors since 2022.
Juan David Michel (68)
Proprietary Member
Miembro del Consejo de Administración de El Puerto de Liverpool. Fue Director de Promoción en INVEX Banco y Casa de Bolsa hasta 2021 y ha participado en los Consejos de Administración de Seguros La Territorial, Interfondo de Capitales, ABSA Casa de Bolsa, Impulsora Factor, Arrendadora Sofimex y Bancomer.
Electrial Engineer from the UAM and Master´s Degree in Administration from the ITAM University.
Member of the Board of Directors since 1991.
Francois J.P. Pams Guichard (68)
Proprietary Member
Desempeñó el cargo de Director de Estrategia y Negocios en INVEX hasta 2020.
Member of the Board of Directors since 1991.
Roberto Diez de Sollano Díaz (63)
Proprietary Member
Director de Administración y Finanzas en INVEX Grupo Financiero desde 2008 y de INVEX Controladora hasta junio de 2022. Fungió como Director de Administración y Finanzas de Actinver Casa de Bolsa, Afore y Fondos, de Grupo Escato, de CIE (Corporación Interamericana de Entretenimiento). También desempeñó funciones para Arthur Andersen & Co. (Ruiz, Urquiza y Compañía, S.C.) por 5 años como encargado en las áreas de Auditoría e Impuestos.
Accountant Public from the ITAM.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2008.
Jorge Gilberto Zapata Alvarado (70)
Proprietary Member
Director General de INVEX Grupo Infraestructura y miembro del Consejo de Administración Ejecutivo de Grupo Autopistas Nacionales. Participó como Presidente del Comité de Auditoría y Practicas Societarias de Grupo Mexicano de Desarrollo, S.A.B. de C.V., Profesor de la Universidad Iberoamericana. Socio Fundador y Director General de JDM, Consultores, S.A. de C.V.
Graduated from the IPN with a Business Administration Degree, also he holds a Business Management Certificate from the IPADE.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2011.
Juan B. Guichard Cortina (41)
Proprietary Member
Chief Executive Officer of Ammper Energía since 2016 and INVEX Capital since 2020. He led energy projects at INVEX Grupo Infraestructura since 2010. He was partner of a Private Investments Company named HAL Investments BV in Rotterdam, Barcelona & São Paulo.
Civil Engineer from the Ibero-American University and holds a MBA from the Chicago University,
Member of the Board of Directors since 2010.
Jean Marc Mercier (52)
Proprietary Member
Director General de INVEX Grupo Financiero desde 2022 y Director General de INVEX Banco desde 2020 y de INVEX Consumo desde 2019. También desempeña el cargo de Director de Banca de Consumo desde 2010. Fungió como Director General en México de Itaú-Unibanco teniendo a cargo la unidad de tarjetas de crédito en México.
Electronic Systems Engineer from the Monterrey Institute of Technology.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2011.
Federico Flores Parkman Noriega (60)
Proprietary Member
Chief Executive Officer of INVEX Casa de Bolsa. Prior to this role, since 1991 to 2019, He was the Treasury, Money Market and Derivatives & Foreign Exchange Director. He joined INVEX in 1991.
Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2001.
Madeleine Marthe Claude Brémond Santacruz (70)
Independent Director
She has extensive experience in consumer goods, services and tourism industries. Chief Executive Officer of Orion Tours, S.A. de C.V. She also participate in the Board of Directors of El Puerto de Liverpool and Quálitas.
Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration from the Anáhuac University.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2001.
Gerardo Dunand Spitalier (52)
Independent Director
Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of Corporativo Ferrioni S.A. de C.V. and Comercializadora Campanita S.A. de C.V. Currently, member of the Board of Directors of Commercial Centers Santa Fe, Oasis Coyoacán, Pabellón Bosques and Plaza Lindavista.
Bachelor´s Degree in Business Administration from the Anáhuac University.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2014. Independent Director since 2016.
Lorenzo Orozco Valdés (50)
Independent Director
Executive of Dish México-Grupo MVS Comunicaciones. He served as Manager of New Business in Teléfonos de México S.A.B. de C.V.
Industrial Engineer from the UNAM.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2007. Independent Director since 2016.
Rafael Matute Labrador Sánchez (64)
Independent Director
Colaboró en Walmart de México en el área de Finanzas como Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Vicepresidente General de Administración y Finanzas. Participó como miembro de los Consejos de Administración de CitiBanamex, Banorte, Nafinsa, Banco Walmart y Fundación Walmart de México.
Industrial Engineer from the Panamericana University.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2016.
Alberto G. Saavedra Olavarrieta (60)
Independent Director
Socio Consultor del despacho de abogados Santamarina y Steta, S.C. Ha participado en diversos Consejos de Administración, entre los que figuran Decimales, S.A., Cámara Británica de Comercio, A.C., Kimberly Clark de México, S.A., y Mexder, Mercado Mexicano de Derivados, S.A. de C.V.
Bachelor´s Degree in Law from the Ibero-American University.
Member of the Board of Directors since 1994. Independent Director since 2006.
Juan Eugenio Clariond Lozano (44)
Independent Director
Director General de Grupo Fibonacci que está dividido en cuatro subgrupos: financiera Dimex Capital, Alis Foods, Vaso Roto Ediciones, y Fibonacci Technologies. Participa en el Consejo de Administración de Dimex Capital.
Licenciado en Ciencias por la Universidad Suffolk.
Member of the Board of Directors since 2010.
Tito Oscar Vidaurri del Castillo (62)
Independent Director
Director Ejecutivo de EIG Global Energy Partners como responsable de coordinar actividades de inversión en México. Fungió como Director General y Consejero de Bank of America México.
Licenciado en Economía por la UDLA con Maestría en Economía por el CIDE y en Public and Private Managment en Yale School of Management.
Independent Director since 2019.